Performance Prep Class


AthElite is now offering 2 monthly classes specifically designed for preparing kids to perform in their given sports. The core training regiment of any athlete should be speed, agility, explosiveness, and strength training.

Why Speed? - Speed is one of the best differentiators amongst athletes that can separate the good ones from the great ones

Why agility? - The ability to control one’s footwork in both a fast and slow paced environment will in improve many elements of athlete performance and reduce injury risk

Why Explosiveness? - The ability to create physical separation by reacting or acting quicker than your opponent can be the difference between winning and losing

Why Strength Training? - Strength training directly correlates with all the elements of performance above and more importantly is the best way to reduce injury risk while growing over a period of time


$300 Per Month Membership or $50 Drop-In

9th - 12th Grade Dates & Times

Tuesday & Thursday 6:00pm, Saturday 12pm

6th - 8th Grade Dates & Times

Tuesday & Thursday 5:00pm, Saturday 11am

Join Anytime. Cancel Anytime.

*Cancellation Policy: Class will be billed on a monthly basis if you wish to cancel please contact us 10 days before the beginning of the next month if plan to cancel.

*All dates and times are subject to change due to facility availability with spring sports.

*Contact for questions